Frequently Asked Questions

Pinery Homeowners' Association (PHA)

The Pinery Homeowners' Association acts as a representative of the Pinery in dealing with outside governmental agencies by giving input regarding new developments around the Pinery, open space, and roadways. The PHA tries to keep Pinery residents informed on issues that impact our community via the newsletter. The PHA also operates the RV storage lot for the use of Pinery residents. Please feel free to call the office with any questions about your community. We need the support of every resident to preserve and protect the amenities of this beautiful and unique development.

Pinery residents can pay for their PHA membership by paying $33 directly each year, invoices are sent out in January; or by joining the Pinery Trash Program. PHA dues is included in the trash payments. Go to the Trash Page of this website for more information.

  • Maintenance and improvements of the N. Pinery Parkway/Parker Road entryway
  • Maintenance and improvements of our two pocket parks
  • Sponsorship of community activities such as the Pinery Picnic, Art Show, Fishing Derby, and Garage sale
  • Publishing the "Pinery Homeowner" newsletter
  • Maintaining and operating the PHA/ARC office
  • Maintaining and operating the Pinery RV Storage lot

For more information see the Membership page.

Membership/Trash Program

Complete information on the program can be found on the Trash Program page.

Pinery residents continue to support their community by enrolling in the Membership / Trash Program.

  1. Call the Pinery Homeowners' Association at (303) 841-8572 and arrange for the PHA trash and recycling service.
  2. If you do not receive recycle labels in the mail, drop by the PHA office in the lower level of the fire station to pick up recyling labels to place them on any container you choose.

If your trash was not picked up, call Apex Waste Solutions at (303) 841-7144 directly as soon as possible. If it is after 4 p.m., call the next morning. Be sure to identify yourself as a resident in the Pinery trash program. If you still need assistance with a trash issue, call the PHA office at: (303) 841-8572.

Complete information on the Recycle / Trash program is available on the Trash Program flyer.

The dates are published in the "Pinery Homeowner" Newsletter and the recycle calendar.

Little Dumpsters will pick up branches with your regular trash if they are cut into pieces no longer than 4 feet and bundled in 18" bundles. They will take up to 10 bags or bundles of yard waste.

Check for dates of the Household Chemical Roundups provided by CSU Extension.

Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

The Pinery Architectural Review Committee reviews and approves new building and exterior remodeling (such as painting, decks, fences, and replacement roofs) of homes in the Pinery to ensure compliance with Pinery Protective Covenants

The intention of the Covenants is to protect our scenic environment and maintain the value of our homes. You should have received a copy of the Covenants for your filing at closing. If not, you can contact the PARC Office to request a copy. You may also email for a copy. Be sure to include your name and street address in your request.

The Protective Covenants for “The Pinery” charge the Pinery Architectural Review Committee with the duty of ensuring that exterior alterations to the homes in the Pinery conform to a standard of quality workmanship, quality materials, and a harmony of design within the community. The Committee has developed the Architectural Standards to guide its decision making process and to assist homeowners planning alterations to their homes. For more information see Architectural Standards.

See the Pinery Architectural Review Committee Approved Materials listing.

Covenants are filed with Douglas County in conjunction with all Pinery properties and therefore are essentially a deed restriction. Purchasing a property within the Pinery represents your agreement to abide by covenants. They are the 'rules' that govern changes, and in some instances (e.g. parking) exterior activity at your residence. Covenants require approval of most exterior changes to your property by the Architectural Review Committee before they are made. The intent of covenants is to ensure that property values and quality of life in the Pinery remain desirable.

Contact for more specific information.

Parks and Lake

Bingham Lake is privately owned and is leased by the Pinery Water & Wastewater District (PW&WD) to Douglas County Parks and Trails. Douglas County sets the rules for the Lake’s use and patrols the lake. The parkland surrounding the water is open to the public for hiking, biking, and picnicking under Douglas County Parks rules during its posted hours.

You no longer need a lake permit - see the Bingham Lake page.

General Questions

Douglas County Public Works is responsible for snow removal in the Pinery. Click here for more information.

You can inquire about the Pinery Country Club by calling (303) 841-2060 or go to their website.

You can pay your water bill at the Pinery Water & Waste Water District (PW&WD) - call (303) 841-2797 for directions or go to their website.

Any door-to-door salesperson doing business in Douglas County is required by Ordinance to register with Douglas County and should display on his or her person an individual or business solicitor registration card issued pursuant to this ordinance. Schools and non-profit organizations are exempted from the ordinance. Any salesperson not displaying such registration is in violation of the law and subject to citation by the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department. Call the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department at (303) 660-7500 to report violations.

In the aftermath of winter snow storms, Douglas County residents can expect to see the development of potholes in streets and roadways. Moisture combined with freezing and thawing will create cracks in the asphalt where moisture can penetrate beneath the pavement, and may create a pothole. Although Douglas County Road and Bridge staff are patrolling streets looking for potholes, citizen assistance with pothole notification would help road and bridge crews address the damage quicker. Please report the location of any potholes by intersection or address (303) 660-7480.