Stage 1 Fire Restrictions in Place in Unincorporated Douglas County

Fire restrictions

Stage 1 Fire Restrictions in place in Unincorporated Douglas County 

At the writing of this article, there are no fire restrictions in place. However, with less moisture and increased heat, the vegetation will dry out and become a fire hazard.

During periods of high/extreme fire danger, Douglas County will enact fire restrictions for unincorporated areas. There are two stages of fire restrictions:

 Stage 1:

  • No open burning of any kind.
  • No use of fireworks.

 Stage 2:

  • No open burning of any kind.
  • No use of fireworks—including professional firework displays.
  • No use of fire in chimineas, other portable fireplaces or patio fire pits
  • No campfires at developed campgrounds or picnic area.

 Violation of these fire restrictions is a Class-2 Petty Offense, punishable by up to a $1000 fine and a $10 surcharge.

 You may want to check the Douglas County website

Click here to periodically to see if fire restrictions are in place.